Tuesday, August 14, 2012

We're Under Attack!

Everything is falling apart now!  I don't know how it all turned around in just a couple days, but there is a definite problem with the plants.  I first noticed my zucchini leaves were getting lighter in color and there were some little fuzzy white spots on them.  This is what it looks like:

You can clearly see the healthy leaf on the right, and the lighter, fuzzy leaves on the left.  I did some research and as far as I can tell, it's some kind of powdery mildew that is caused by the "honeydew" left over from aphids.  I haven't been able to see any aphids, but I've spotted some little fly-looking things that I think are adult aphids.  That's culprit 1.  Culprit 2 is the tiny, black ants I've seen crawling around my zucchini plant, but I don't think they're really messing with my plants.  I actually think ants (and spiders) help control the aphids.  Culprit 3 is the worms.  The damn worms!  They got in my marigolds, too!  I had to cut off a bunch of marigold blossoms, but I moved them over near my veggie plants because I've heard that they can help deter aphids also.  Here's Culprit 3:

It looks cute, but it's NOT cute - it's evil!  Evil worm!  My tomato plants are also looking really eaten up.  I mean REALLY eaten up:

The top half of the tomato plant looks fine, but a lot of the lower leaves are like little leaf skeletons now!  And I found some little black dots.  Is it aphid poop?  Worm poop?  Just dirt?  Either way, I want it to get off my plants.  Here's what it looks like:

The Roma tomatoes are fine as far as I can tell, but my zucchini - my original, beautiful, baby zucchini!!! - has shriveled up and died!  I'm so sad.  I can hardly even post the picture, it makes me so sad.  Here's my poor baby zucchini:

But luckily, the other zucchini is getting bigger, darker, and more beautiful!  It's hiding behind all the other stems and leaves, but you can tell it's still healthy:

My jalapenos are right next to the zucchini, but they're not showing any signs of worm or aphid damage.  In fact, one of the baby jalapenos is getting really big!

So it's not all bad, but my zucchini and tomato plants are definitely worrying me.  I'm hoping the homemade insecticide we made last night will help.  We sprayed the board and the ropes the planters are hanging on and the underside of the zucchini and tomato leaves, so I'm hoping it'll work.  Or it's gonna be war!

1 comment:

  1. Poor little zucchini! I think it probably didn't get pollinated correctly. Don't rely on the bees. When the female flower opens, pick a male flower and pollinate it yourself. There have to be enought grains of pollen on the female for the fruit to grow correctly or it just dried up and falls off.

    The "Damn Worms" huh. That could be a rock band!
