Friday, August 31, 2012

Bell Peppers Galore!

My zucchini may be deteriorating, but my bell peppers are thriving!  I've got 5 or 6 big bell peppers on one of my plants and almost 10 little bell peppers on the other plant!  They're growing crazy-fast, too!  Check this out.  Here's one of the bell peppers on Aug. 27:

Here's that same bell pepper 2 days later (Aug. 29):

And here's that bell pepper this morning (Aug. 31):

It's growing a warp-speed!  All 5 or 6 bell peppers on that plant are about that same size.  Here's another:

And another:

They're 1 1/2 to 2 inches long now!  I'm hoping they get as big as the ones in the grocery store because then I can make some awesome stuffed bell peppers!  They're sooo good baked, and if I'm able to do it from this batch, I'll try to post the recipe.  Either way, these baby bell peppers are super cute and I'm super excited.

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