Thursday, June 26, 2014

Mary Lou has some problems

The weather-people keep calling for rain and thunderstorms, so the chickens haven't been out much lately.  We took them out a few days ago and let them roam the yard freely.

We sat on the playground forever waiting for those wimps to leave the crate, so we had to toss out some treats.  They took the bait!  They finally ventured forth and seemed a little curious...

We thought they would be so excited to have so much free space compared to their crate!  But no.  They walked 5 feet into the corner of the yard and stayed there for the rest of their field trip.  Wow, exciting choice, girls!  Those are some adventurous birds there.

And here's Mary Lou with that stupid look stuck on her face.  I don't know what her deal is, but every time I look at her, she's making that dumb face.  Open mouth, dead eyes.  I can't stand her.  I mean, maybe I'm being too hard on her.  Mary Lou is a fine enough chicken, but she's just got one of those faces that makes me furious.  Haven't you ever met someone whose face just makes you angry as soon as you see them?  Well she's the chicken version of that.

Here's Oneita, who always loves to find a good perch spot from which she can survey her kingdom:

You might be able to see some feathers on the far left of that last picture.  That's Mary Lou.  She sat over there forever with that dumb look on her face.  Before she settled there, she kept trying to follow the flock but kept getting stuck on the other side of the crate.  The flock left the crate and she was stuck inside, unable to figure out how to get through the side bars.  Then she finally figured out there was a door and got out, but by then, the flock was heading back inside the crate and Mary Lou was the only one left outside.  Then they all switched again.  Mary Lou has some problems.

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